Kidbiz Personal & Social Development Education | Middle School Years

Welcome to Kidz Biz Education

Wendy Hill"Young people today live in a time of rapid, ongoing and unparalleled social change and upheaval. Media exposure to violence, sexual images and escalating levels of family breakdowns all impact on them in some way. As an educator, business woman and mother, I believe it is extremely important that personal and social development education is made available to them in a positive and engaging way."

Wendy Hill
Director, Principal Consultant/Educator of Kidz Biz Education.

Kidz Biz Education provides a comprehensive range of workshops and outstanding customer service, including consultancy and referral services to teachers, course developers, youth workers, media and other community representatives.

Since Kidz Biz Education was established in 2008, it has positioned itself as a leading provider of quality and affordable standard and custom tailored educational workshops. Topics covered in these workshops help equip students with the skills to be able to differentiate between accurate and inaccurate information, to discuss a range of moral and social issues and gain an informed perspective on how these may impact on them.

I hope when you search through this site, you will find the information you need and perhaps even some pearls of wisdom.

Enjoy the journey!




"Wendy is a great teacher and is very fun, interesting and informative. It was time well spent."

Year 6 female student, Primary School